Add a Class

  • We encourage you to submit your classes no later than 30 working days before the class date to get the most out of your advertising.
  • Once a class is submitted for posting, your submission will be reviewed by CCAoVA staff.  You will be notified when the course has been added to the Training Calendar.
  • All fields must be completed.  Incomplete forms will result in delayed posting.
  • You can enter multiple sessions for the same class title (i.e. multiple locations, dates and/or times). If it is your intention to add multiple sessions, be sure to check “Yes” to the “Add a class session?” and click on Next. If you select No, it will take you to the end of the survey.

To change details of an event that has already been posted, please e-mail the Data Services Coordinator. Please provide the following information:

– Date of Training
– Name of Trainer
– Location
– Details of what needs to be changed