
Child Care Data

Just like schools, fire departments, law enforcement and health care, child care is a critical component of community infrastructure. Child Care Aware® of Virginia maintains supply and demand data for child care and early learning programs in Virginia.

Contact us with your specific statistical data needs by submitting our data request form:

Virginia Child Care Mapping Project

Child Care Aware of Virginia’s child care mapping project allows you to see the various types of child care programs throughout Virginia. Each map can be viewed from a statewide perspective, or you can zoom in to see counties, communities or neighborhoods. A legend is available for each map to describe the type of child care shown (licensed centers, license-exempt care, etc.). Each map is overlaid with child poverty data.

Child Care Supply Data by Locality

Locality fact sheets provide a two-page overview regarding the supply of child care and early care in Virginia localities. Included: number of child care programs by regulation type, program type, licensed capacity, and self-reported cost of care.

Report – COVID-19 Challenges Faced by the VA Child Care Profession

Child Care Aware of Virginia is humbled to release this report highlighting the numerous challenges faced by the child care and early education profession in Virginia due to the COVID-19 health crisis of 2020. Child care, early education and school-age programs experienced closures, revenue and staff losses like many other businesses, but also faced unique challenges as many struggled to remain open to serve essential personnel in the early days of the pandemic, and many are still struggling with low enrollment, short staffing, expensive safety requirements and loss of revenue to sustain operations.