Subsidy Information Session

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Thank you for watching our Subsidy Information Webinar. We hope this gave you a better understanding of the Child Care Subsidy Program in Virginia and how to participate as a child care provider. We are here to help with your Vendor Application and answer any questions you may have about this webinar and the Subsidy Program. Contact us today at 1-866-KIDS-TLC or fill out a TA Request form here.

Below you will find all resources mentioned in this presentation:

VDOE’S ChildCareVA Website:

Training Resources

VQB5 Resources

VDSS Vendor Management Contacts

Assistance with Completing a Subsidy Vendor Application:

  • Contact Child Care Aware of Virginia at 1-866-KIDS-TLC or submit a TA request here
  • VDOE is piloting an Early Childhood Navigator role in select Ready Regions (Capital Area, Central, Southwest, and West). If you live in one of these Ready Regions, you may also contact [email protected] for assistance