Preventing Deaths From Heatstroke

  • Make it a habit to open the back door of your car every time you park to ensure no one is left behind. To enforce this habit, place an item you can’t start your day without in the back seat (employee badge, laptop, phone, purse, etc).
  • Place a hangtag on your rearview mirror to remind you to #LookBeforeYourLock. We recommend this one from BabyIn BabyOut.
  • Ask your child care provider to alert you if your child does not arrive as planned.
  • Set a daily reminder on your phone.
  • Place your child’s diaper bag or similar item in the front passenger seat as a visual reminder that the child is with you.

  • Keep vehicles locked at all times, especially in the garage or driveway. Ask neighbors and visitors to do the same.
  • Never leave car keys within reach of children.
  • Use childproofing knob covers and door alarms to prevent children from leaving your home unnoticed.
  • Teach children to honk the horn or turn on hazard lights if they become stuck inside a car.
  • If a child is missing, check the pool first, and then the car, including the trunk! Check your neighbor’s vehicles as well!

  • It only takes a second to double-check and prevent heatstroke. Let’s be vigilant in protecting our children from extreme heat. #LookBeforeYouLock 
  • See a child alone in a car? Call 911 immediately! #HeatStrokeKills #LookBeforeYouLock
  • Hot car deaths are 100% preventable. 2024 is the year that hot car deaths stop increasing. #LookBeforeYouLock