Parenting Helpful Links

Being a parent can be a joy, but it’s also a hard job.  Here are some resources to help.

Positive Parenting Tips Parents can help their child grow and learn during each stage of development. Click on your child’s age group to find positive parenting, safety and health tips.

Little Kids, Big Questions This series of 12 podcasts addresses some of the most common issues facing parents of babies and toddlers.

Text4Baby  Health and safety tips arrive as free text messages in English or Spanish three times a week throughout your pregnancy and until your baby is 1 year old.

Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers  Parenting is hard work, but it can be fun and rewarding. Find ideas to help handle common parenting challenges, so you can be more confident as a parent.

The Parent Toolkit Browse through academic, social-emotional, or health and wellness benchmarks and tips by age level.

Apps for your Mobile Devices

The free Vroom app sends tips to help turn mealtime, bath time and more into brain-building moments for your child.

Babies on the Homefront: Free Mobile App for Military Families This free app gives parents access to a variety of play-time activities to engage their babies and toddlers in learning. (In English and Spanish.)

The PBS Parents Play and Learnapp offers a collection of interactive games themed around familiar locations, like the garden, grocery store, kitchen, and more. Each game includes “teachable moments” tips for parents to help turn everyday moments into opportunities to teach math and literacy through hands-on activities. Baby Milestones App provides weekly motor, communication, sensory, and feeding activities to support your baby at their exact age and stage of development. All activities are reviewed and recommended by expert healthcare providers.

Keeping Them Safe

The Safe Nursery Guide Be aware of potential hazards in your baby’s or child’s environment that can come from using products incorrectly or using products that are not designed well for their purpose. This Consumer Product Safety Commission booklet has selected safety hints to help you buy and use nursery products, keep them in good repair and dispose of them properly if they become a hazard.

Child Safety Toolkit Learn how to protect your child from hazards in and around your home. It includes activities where children need to wear helmets, preventing TV and furniture tip-overs, magnet safety and home playground safety. 

Myths and Facts about SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Learn the difference between the facts and the myths about SIDS and safe infant sleep in the National Institute of Health’s Safe to Sleep Campaign.

Choking Prevention
 Learn how to protect your child from choking hazards in the home and from foods that may choke babies and toddlers.

Look Before You Lock Hot car deaths are a year-round threat; it can happen even when it isn’t sunny outside. See this checklist to help you create a routine, and visit our Car Safety page for more tips.

Safety Tips for Parents  Find resources for families with children from birth to 19. This has alerts and risks for you to consider from car seat safety to fireworks.

Childproofing Your Home: 12 Safety Devices to Protect Your Child Learn how to reduce or prevent injuries by using child-safety devices and reminding older children to re-secure safety devices in the house after using them.